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Google finances US$1.5 million for Fulbright University to enhance AI development in Viet Nam
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Google's chief scientist Jeff Dean announced the the above financial package on Monday on the occasion of his visit to Viet Nam.

The grant will help Fulbright University Viet Nam integrate AI into all academic programs, develop AI-related majors and minors in its undergraduate curriculum, and equip students with AI application skills.

It will also support the university in recruiting additional AI experts to expand teaching, enhance AI-related research by faculties and students, and foster collaborative initiatives with academic and industry partners in Viet Nam and internationally.

Earlier, on July 11, the National Innovation Centre (NIC) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) collaborated with Google to launch a comprehensive initiative that promotes the development of AI in Viet Nam.

The initiative focuses on two pillars–human resources development and startup ecosystem development.

Accordingly, it will provide 40,000 scholarships with 10 training courses, including the newly-launched additional course-Google AI Essentials-to equip Viet Nam's young generation with the latest AI skills. Beneficiaries include officials, lecturers and students of more than 80 universities and colleges across the country.

According to a national strategy for AI research, development and application through 2030, the nation sets forth a target of being among top 4 in ASEAN and top 50 in the world in the field of AI research, development and application by 2030.

Under the strategy, Viet Nam will set up three national innovative centers for AI and have at least one representative on the list of ASEAN's 20 leading R&D and training facilities in this sphere.

Marc Woo, Managing Director of Google Viet Nam, Google Asia Pacific, said that Viet Nam's digital economy is expected to grow 11 times to reach US$220 billion by 2030, equivalent to nearly half of the country's current GDP. AI is one of the key factors to realize the outlook.

According to Government Newspaper

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